Greetings to you all. Summer will officially be upon us soon, (Dec. 21st.) but it is already summerish much of the time. I thought therefore that I'd show you some pictures from the gardens that lie just opposite our cafe. While I was taking pictures, a bumble and a honey bee came along, not together, I doubt that they're acquainted, and I was able to add them to the shots. Actually, in my opinion, they make the shots.
I hope that you enjoy what I'm sharing.
The first two shots are a before and after of the sunrise taken on Dec. 6th. 2024.
The sun is approaching the point furthest south in its periodic sweep across the horizon between the equinox and the the solstice. On Dec. 21, this year, the sun will rise, when seen from our balcony, directly behind the pine tree which stands just to the right of where the sun came up in the following pictures.