Wednesday 11 May 2016

Somebody has been putting these up around town.

Here's just a short little post about some art works that suddenly appeared in Henderson.

And not long ago, they changed is the new batch.

Here is a permanent piece outside the library. In the distance on the far right side you can see the benches and shelter at the bus stop that we use most often when returning home from shopping in downtown Henderson. We occasionally buy flat white coffees from the kiosk on the left and now and then, Korean pancakes from the place on the right.    -djf


  1. Very interesting works of art. They look like letter or number shapes but I couldn't figure out if they were spelling out anything and decided their message was more in the images painted on them portraying Kiwi life! Love the mixture of bird, floral and cultural art on them. It looks like there are 4 of these with a different picture on each side?

    That permanent piece is really interesting. I wonder if you know the story it is telling? I see the human forms: a Maori at the bottom, a snake and another one with a human head, an eel - all under a castle or other fortification. Could it be telling the story of how the Brits came to and conquered NZ?

    As always, I love reading your posts and look forward to your stories!

  2. I don't know anything about any of them, but do enjoy them as well. Since they did change them once already, (the 4 of them) I hoped that more might be coming. If more do appear before this post is changed, I'll add them to it. -djf

  3. I just the love the color and brightness of each one. It would really brighten your day to run across these art pieces. I wonder if the heavy rains and wind in winter will require that they be taken down at some point. They look pretty sturdy that they could withstand some bad weather. Thank you for sharing them. McKenzie

  4. You're right that they're sturdy. They are bolted into the concrete, so they should stand up to almost anything. We're heading into winter and that's when the gales hit, so we'll see how they do. -djf
