Thursday, 6 December 2018

Its bark was worse than its bite.

Here is a brief look at a storm that came, seemingly out of nowhere and went on its way, almost as quickly...

Looked like it might be intense. The clouds came up so fast and were so dark. The sun disappeared...

It downpoured, and it departed...

A fine day...

Hmmm, clouding up a bit...

Whoa, look at this...

Hey Hon, we could lose power with this one, I think...The wind is coming up too, I'll put the deck chairs under cover.  

It's getting closer...

But look, there's a bit of a rainbow. Hope that's a good sign...

 Not the sun returning, just a street light that came on in the gloom...

A double rainbow like a wave good-bye as the storm leaves us. It wasn't bad at all.        -djf


  1. I love that tree in you cover picture! Maybe it's a type of Magnolia?

    It seems that the sun is shining brightly as the storm approaches but I'm confused - are your pix overlooking your back yard looking east? and is that the direction the storm is coming from? If so, the rainbows would be in front of storm.

    Anyways, I still enjoyed the drama unfolding!

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. The pictures of the storm were taken from our bedroom window, looking northeast and northwest. The sun at that time was in the west, hence the sunlight appearing almost behind us. I especially liked the fact that the sun on the foliage made the black clouds look even more impressive. So yes, the rainbow against the dark clouds is preceding the storm. That shot is facing slightly north east, and with the sun in the west, we got the fleeting bit of rainbow. The last shot of the double rainbow was taken out our front door looking southwest.

  3. I love your new header picture. That is so gorgeous. Thank heavens that storm when through quickly and without any damage. It was interesting to see how it changed in a short period of time. It is supposed to be in the low 30s this week here so I am thankful for that. McKenzie

  4. It is really beautiful here right now. And the pohutukawas are starting to bloom too.
    I'll put up a new header showing the tree in our backyard.
