Thursday, 4 April 2019

360 degrees of Kaitarakihi

My post is a simple one today. I'm going to show you just a few photos and then a video. Jeanne's sister Dianne is visiting us and we're showing her all our favorite places. 

In the video I'm standing on a rock in the surf on April 3rd, 2019. I turn slowly around and admire what I see. It was sunny when we got to the beach a couple of hours ago, but clouds have rolled in since then. It is about 70 degrees despite the overcast. 

Kai is the Maori word for food. Tarakihi is a fish. (Jeanne is using tarakihi to make fish tacos tonight.) 

Three guys arrived soon after I made this video and climbed past me to fish from farther down the shore. I wonder if they'll catch dinner.

An Auckland journalist once described Kaitarakihi as 'a hidden gem.'  I think it is too. 

 We have arrived at about 10 a.m. Look at all the sea grass washed up.

 We're certain to find a few treasures on this 'gem' of a beach.

Here's one. This is so fresh and still beautiful. It won't stay in this condition for very long in the hot sun. 

 This is a kina shell. A sea urchin, minus its spines of course. It's rare to find these unbroken on the beaches. Jeanne found it and is sending it home with Dianne. 

This is a real rarity. It is a shell of a Spatangoida. That's an order of urchins known as 'heart urchins.' I'm showing it nestled in another shell because it is so brittle that handling it would almost certainly break it up. How it made it ashore in one piece is beyond me.    -djf


  1. The treasures from this beach are simply breathtaking. So gorgeous. I could watch that video forever. I will try to think of it when I have a stressful day at work. I will remember to breath as the water ebbs and flows out to sea. I wish I could wiggle my nose like "Bewitched" and simply be there to visit all of you. I am sure Dianne is having a fabulous visit. Please wish her well from me. McKenzie

  2. I'm finally home and unpacking and downloading my treasures from this little gem of a beach. I am so glad you took me there - it was well worth the scenic twisty-turny, uppy-downy drive.

    Thanks so much for helping to make my vacation truly wonderful!
