Thursday, 8 August 2019

On top of Mt. Hobson

Welcome back to the top of Mt. Hobson. This was a Pa at one time. Pa can refer to any Maori village or defensive settlement, but it usually meant a hillfort. You can clearly see the defensive terraces here. I've read that the soil was very good here and there were many gardens of kumara all over the Pa area. 

I'll show you a few shots today of the top of the hill, some of the surrounding area and then finish by following a new path back down to the bottom of the hill. 

I got excited when I saw what I first thought was a cave. Then I could see that it had a gate over it. 

I walked down to see what is was and discovered that it the access tunnel to some water tanks. 

Back on the top again. On the left across the bay you see what appears to be one cone but is in fact two, Mt. Victoria and Mt. Cambria. On the right, some of you might recognize North Head. 
I think that's Mt. Eden.

There's little Mt. St. John that I visited recently.

None-Tree HIll again. 

Mt. Wellington. I like that one. Imagine it erupting. 

I'm heading back down now, but looking back up the hill at the terraces. 

No doubt about it, this would be a tough hill to climb with Maori warriors above me all the way. I think that the murdered girl was probably not the only casualty that day and the ovens may have been busy. 

Down at the entrance, I found this sign. 

I'm heading back toward the train station now but thought this gate was photo-worthy. 

A blooming tree  with Mt. Eden (I think) in the background.  I took this picture the last week in July, the middle of our winter, but plants all set their own schedules here.    -djf


  1. Wow! You can really see quite a distance and so many of the hopefully dormant volcanoes from the top of Mt. Hobson! With Mounts Victoria, Cambria, Eden, Wellington, None-Tree Hill and North Bay, you've got a lot of hill climbing yet to do and share with us grounded couch taters back here in Michigan.

    I love the terraces and the rabbit & pest control at Mt. Hobson - wish I had them both (in scaled down version of course) for my own little garden with my crumbling Mt. Stumpy.

  2. Well, I should be able to produce many more posts over time...
