Saturday, 20 April 2024

Good bye to Arthur's Corner

The time has come.  The long-awaited renovation of The Palms is upon us. I'll no longer be able to climb to Arthur's Corner and take pictures from that ideal vantage point.

The scaffolding and wrap will surround the building and the automatic door that led to the third floor of The Palms will no longer give me access.  It will be this way for at least the next 18 months.  After that, glass will enclose the building and I'll have to shoot through it when taking my photos. Not preferred. 

This photo is compliments of Jeanne, who took it from our balcony. I'm shooting the photos you'll see immediately below. 

They've just replanted the flowers facing the front gate, (on the left side in this picture) in our central garden. 

We're enjoying cool, crisp, delightful air this morning.  The Tasman Sea is about 10 miles west of us. I can smell it.  

Let's get ready and start zooming in. The color is rapidly developing. 


My bird handler released the homing ducks at the perfect moment.  

You know that I have to include at least one close up. 

The Sun is getting very bright now, don't want to damage the optics, let's pull back a bit with the next one.

As it continues to intensify, I back off even further.

To conclude this post, I've pulled back the view the sunrise almost to our starting point about a dozen pictures ago. A final view and a fitting tribute, I hope, to my outdoor studio at Arthur's Corner.    -djf


  1. These pictures are amazing. I'm sad that you will no longer have Arthur's Corner to enjoy but the pictures that you have are a treasure. I'm sure the new renovations will be worth all the headache from the project. I love that you can smell the sea on these beautiful mornings also. McKenzie

    1. I've taken many, many photos from up there and I still have them, so that's good. The new building will be much nicer, so it's well worth it.
