Saturday 25 April 2015

100 year anniversary of ANZAC Day

ANZAC Day was celebrated in Henderson with a short parade and speeches at the RSA building.  Rather than try to explain it myself, here is a link which will do it properly. 

My portion is to show you the photos I took.  

I don't know the symbolism of the burro and the 1915-look clothing, but these little beasts were no doubt used widely during the war.  

The day started overcast but cleared somewhat by the time of the ceremony at the RSA. You can certainly tell that fall is upon us.

There was also a dawn ceremony on the 25th.  This is celebrated as a Monday holiday also so no school or work tomorrow.  

Jeanne just read on the weather site that we have a gale coming in tomorrow which could at times be damaging. We'll stay close to home.          -djf


  1. As a sprout in PNG, and a Boy Scout, I participated in ANZAC Day ceremonies.
    The pictures of the Scouts in uniform in the parade reminded me.

    I don't recall any burros in the PNG ceremonies but my guess is they are a reference to the
    fighting at Gallipolli. Lots of trench warfare there, if I remember right.
