Friday 15 May 2015

"All sorrows are less with bread" --Cervantes

For today's post, I am serving you a succession of unique dishes, flavoured with the sometimes saucy thoughts of experts on food.  

"Pull up a chair.  Take a taste.  Join us.  Life is endlessly delicious. --Ruth Reichl

Haggis is a mystery to me no longer!  He is a friend.  (sorry for the focus problem)

I find that this Scottish friend of mine thinks Way too much of himself though. My other friend, American hash, could be haggis' twin brother and yet costs about half as much.  

"Seize the moment!  Remember all those women on the Titanic who waved off the dessert cart." --Erma Bombeck
I stand up and salute whoever invented this bit of Heaven on earth.  Get some if you can find it don't worry about the brand. Spare no expense. Mortgage the house, get a second job, sell your shoes if you have to, but get some!

The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook.  --Julia Childs
To tell the truth, putting some green pepper-corns 'on the vine' into your stew will not change it dramatically, but Come On, look at how beautiful they are.  How can you not want to throw one in the pot?  

Popcorn for breakfast?  Why not?  It's a grain, like, like, grits, but with high self-esteem.  --James Paterson.
If you were to look up "acquired taste," in the dictionary, and your's is not a pocket-sized edition, it'll probably have this as an illustration.

What I say is that, if a man really likes potatoes, he must be a pretty decent sort of fellow.  --A. A. Milne
This is 'pickled vegetable.'  It is cabbage that has been sun-dried, chopped, mixed with salt, and packed tightly into this stone-ware crock.  No, it is not anything like sauer-kraut.  The crock is re-usable and it costs about four dollars.  I use a little in my stir fry. Jeanne and Allie have politely said, "No thanks."

If two heads are better than one, then what about double chins?  On that note I will help myself to seconds.  Jarod Kintz
Have you ever had sticky rice at a Thai restaurant?  Well, that's what glutinous rice is and the good folks at Kimlan start with a big helping of that. Then, they mix in a special combination of bacterias and yeasts and water.  And they let it bubble and brew.
Their advertising is accurate. This stuff does have a decidedly 'original' flavor.
And it's slightly alcoholic.
I love it. Jeanne took one taste.  Allie has yet to try it.
Hhmm, maybe they'd like it better with rice glue pudding?

The odds of going to the store for a loaf of bread and coming out with only a loaf of bread are 3 billion to one.  --Erma Bombeck
See, Erma knows.  That's why I can't possibly walk into a store and not experiment.  What did Ruth  Reichl say? "Life is endlessly delicious?"

Had you ever considered eating a duck tongue?
Did you know that a duck tongue looks like that? 

How do you know that Is a duck tongue?
Did you know that you can also buy mild duck tongue?
Did you know you can buy other rather unusual duck parts, in mild or spicy?

"I'm really impressed with the convenient single-serving packets.  So easy to grab a few in the morning when a guy is running late for the office.  You wives can always serve some on crackers if the girls stop over for tea. And they're great for the lunchboxes of your picky eaters...Why not throw in a few extra? Kids love to share treats on the playground."

Okay, admit it, your stomachs are rumbling, aren't they?  I don't blame you.  

Why not take a chance and buy something new the next time you dash in for a loaf of bread?  Make Erma proud of you. It doesn't have to be something quite as weird (and wonderful) as the items listed above. Just try something new.

Enjoy your next meal...

First though, Robert Burns will say Grace...

Some hae meat and canna eat,
And some wad eat that want it.
But we hae meat and we can eat,
And sae the Lord be thankit.


--oh, in case anyone is interested, check this out. --djf


  1. So Haggis is like Hash? I'll take the hash please! I've seen salted caramel ice cream at Kroger - but not the brand you've displayed. I think I'd have to find some of the more exotic stuff in ethnic markets, but I'm not so sure I'd try the chicken feet or duck's tongue. but on the other hand, Kroger does have an in-store made-on-the-spot sushi bar and I sometimes see whole baby octopus served up! I think I'd choose something a little less wiggly though...

    If I ever see some 'pickled vegetable' or green peppercorns on the vine, I think I'd buy it just to try!

    Thanks so much for sharing these gastric adventures!

  2. You know how I love weird food. You also know I had haggis in Edinburgh, Scotland back in 1989. I loved it. It is definitely better with a nice cold beer. I had Fosters Lager when I was there.

    I probably would try most of the food you mentioned. The duck tongue looked like an infected appendix to me from pictures I have seen of it. I know that is rather gross. I love getting new ideas for different foods to try. I have had salted caramel greek yogurt and it is great. Of course, that ice cream looks much better. I will have to try it for a holiday or my birthday treat some day. Enjoy your food finds! McKenzie
