Sunday, 16 October 2016

A new springtime family shares our house.

We have proof that it is indeed spring in Henderson. We have a new family that has moved in and is sharing our deck area. The nest is hard to see in this picture, but it is between the first and second beams on the left. You'll see it better in subsequent shots.  

Another proof of spring is the open window and the fan. The fan hasn't been used yet, but we're ready...

Mama is busy. I sat on the deck today and stood around in the yard, watching and waiting. She seems to be gone from the nest only about 10 minutes at a time, before returning with another worm or whatever.  -djf


  1. Those are the finest pancakes that I have ever seen. I feel like the little birds opening their beaks as I ponder eating those pancakes. I loved the new family and you have such a view of them. Amiri may have a new calling as a chef after seeing that breakfast. McKenzie

    1. I wish that I could share more than just pictures and some text with you all.

      I'll probably be able to replace the butia frutia syrup as it is used up, but the chokecherry and maple syrup are in very limited supply. It's unlikely I'll be making any more of those. That makes our current pancakes very special indeed. Thanks for the comment. -djf
