Saturday, 29 July 2023

Ah, retirement.

In our residents newsletter recently, there was a YouTube address listed for a talk about the stages of retirement.  Jeanne and I watched it and both thought the guy did a good job of speaking, but we also believed that his message was light on really useful information and a bit heavy on patting himself on his back.  Doesn't matter.  Because of his address, we talked over coffee this morning a little about our own retirement experiences so far.  And then we left on this morning's outing; which was about as nice a way to spend our retirement as I can think of. See if you don't agree.  

Those of you who have read this blog for years know that I generally attend any wine-tasting events that Maison Vauron puts on.  Perhaps you're tired of seeing them.  

Well, Jeanne has not attended one in many years, so the fact that she came along today made attending this one special for me.  

BTW, Jeanne and I each tasted just two wines of the 20 that were being offered. We enjoyed the ambiance of the place, the vibe, if you will, but really didn't care to work our way through all those choices, and end up light-headed before noon.  

Approaching...the weather is beautiful.

The entrance. 

We had a frost this morning for the first time in two winters.  Before we started to sample the wares, we ordered coffees and almond croissants, sat by a window and relaxed for a bit. We let the early crowds flow around us.   

We were finally ready to explore and sample.  First, grab a glass.  

There's Jeanne again, trying a medium-bodied wine from 'The Valley of Bears' area of France.

  Paying for her choice. 

 I like walking these aisles.  

There were lots of choices of cheese to try.

Here, there are crepes being produced. 

Really interesting sausages.  

It would take a long time to try each of these.  

We are about to leave.  We've thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.  We'll definitely have to do this again next year.   -djf


  1. mmmm what a nice way to spend a frosty morning - retirement or otherwise! I would never get tired of you sharing your visits to Maison Vauron. Besides, I'm getting lots of good tips for my own pending retirement! LOL 😊

    1. I am sure you will enjoy your retirement to the fullest.
