Friday 22 April 2016

Magnolias time lapse...

Ok, so this isn't a Real time lapse. It's more accurate to call it a composite of images taken from a couple of trees outside our house and at the bus stop nearby. 

It shows what's happening right now on the magnolia trees. The seed pods are putting out their bright red seeds. 

Around Christmas, the streets here are liberally strewn with the bright red stamens of the pohutukawas. And now, our street will soon be decorated with thousands of these bright red seeds. 

Fall is coming on fast but it feels wonderful outside today. The bright sun is so warm while the air carries a hint of coolness in it. It feels so much like fall does back home.   -djf


  1. Well, the magnolias here are just winding down with their blooming so it's great to see what they might be doing in the fall 6 months from now. I think your magnolias must be a different variety than the ones here since they appear to be so robust - maybe just because the NZ seasons are not as harsh as Michigan seasons - or maybe because I've never observed what the ones here do in the fall (I don't have one in my own yard).

    The seed pods are so colorful - are the red "berries" popping out from them edible (by people, that is)?

    I enjoyed your new side story of the dancing ducks - they must "wiggle" 24-7 to have already done over 2 million since Easter!

  2. According to Wikipedi some magnolias are poisonous and some aren't.
    At a rate of 9,270 wiggles per hour, it takes 107.87 hours to reach a million. The ducks have averaged about 8 or 9 hours a day since they are solar powered. -djf

  3. The seeds DO look like a juicy jelly bean, so I have wondered the same thing, Dianne. There must be dozens of different varieties of magnolia; there is a smaller pink double magnolia in the front yard. It is more petite and the flowers look like pink roses, and it doesn't develop the big seed pods. The series of photos you took Doug are stunning! You are taking some mighty fine pictures lately....

  4. Well thanks, I'm glad you like them. Although the camera does all the work. I point and click with it on the 'auto' setting. Although, to be honest, I have been studying the photographic techniques of the experts. I've already read the chapter on the importance of holding the camera steady, of keeping my fingers from in front of the lens and not dropping the thing too often. The rest of the book looks way too technical for me so I'll just wing it from now on.

  5. I just love these trees and flowers. They look like hot tamale candies to me. So weird that Fall is there when we are so happy for Spring to be here. Still, I love Fall except for winter following it. I am camera challenged for sure. You do a great job. McKenzie

  6. Thanks for your comment. I sure enjoy being able to share what life is like here.
