Sunday 3 April 2016

Some one else in the air over Muriwai

I think of Muriwai as being divided into three parts. In the last post, you saw the middle section where the gannets roost every summer. 

To the south of the nesting sites is another section of beach. This is a look along that stretch of beach. (and cliff) That's the Tasman Sea out there. The winds are almost constant and strong along this coast. 

Most of our winds come from the west and south west. When they hit the beach and cliffs, very strong updrafts are produced that man has also learned to put to good use. When Allie and I stopped by, a group of paragliders were preparing to launch. Take a look...

What a gorgeous place, huh? You can understand the scale of the beach by looking at the couple of people between the pillow lava boulder and the water. The first year we were here, I took some pictures of Amiri climbing on that boulder.
You can imagine how the wind is forced upwards here.

Here are some paragliders laying out their equipment. They're going to take advantage of the wind for a free ride. 

And he's off...

There was no problem having enough lift. 

Some of the guys took it easy and cruised back and forth along the length of the beach without gaining  much altitude. Not this guy, he headed up, up and away. 

Allie was getting some ground shots while I kept my eye on the sky. 

Here is another one just a few seconds after take off. 

What a way to spend an afternoon. He looks so comfortable up there. When Arram saw this picture, he said, "I have GOT to do that someday." Another paraglider is born.  

Allie and I rubbed shoulders today at Muriwai with an Asian tour group. They had paid many thousands no doubt to be standing with us, marveling at the beauty of this place. And we are living here. We are so fortunate in so many ways.
BTW, do you see the person standing on the rock in the water? It's low tide right now. 


  1. First you need to know I really like your current cover shot of the colorful splash of light on your wall! It looks like some cosmic neon rainbow rocket!

    Now, Muriwai.... This is a must-do next time I'm in NZ! Well, maybe not the paragliding part, but the return-to part and the exploring the South Beach part! I love the green cliffs but probably wouldn't climb them.... o wait! maybe paragliding could get me up there and I'd just drop off short of the cliff top... ummmmm... NOT!!! the homeowners probably wouldn't like it if I showed up on their drop-off.

    1. It did look like it was ready to speed across our wall.
      Yes, there is a lot to see and do at Muriwai. My header picture for the 3rd and final post on Muriwai, due out tomorrow, will show you the sea cave that is tucked into a corner of a cliff. Going into it is on my to-do list for 'sometime.'

  2. I loved the prism picture also. It reminds me of Pollyanna and her loving the prisms in that movie. I think the beach is just incredible and I would love to see the paragliders. However, there is NO WAY I would ever go up in one over an ocean with those strong tides. I would keep my feet on the ground and just enjoy the view. Thanks for sharing these amazing pictures. I am adventurous in food but in not sports. McKenzie

    1. I'm afraid I don't know anything about Pollyanna and prisms, but am glad you liked the picture.
      I hear you about the paragliding. The days when I would have considered doing it are long gone, I'd need a really plus-sized parachute to get me up there...
      And speaking of adventures in food. The next post is the final installment of Muriwai Beach. THEN comes a post about the king of for it. -djf
