Tuesday 11 April 2017

Auckland's Farmers' Market

Auckland is a beautiful city. I'm approaching the Saturday morning Farmer's Market that's held in the center of it. 

With crowds all around, it was hard to get a picture without someone, or at least part of someone, in the way. (the hand, not the little kid)

She has the look of a baker well satisfied with her efforts.

Takoyaki are great. About the size of a donut hole, but filled with bits of goodies inside, like prawn, or my favorite, octopus. They generally serve them to you covered with a sweet-chili or mayonaise-like sauce but I prefer, and ask for mine plain. 

In New Zealand, I have yet to see a fritter or sausage served in a bun. It is always presented to the customer on a piece of buttered, or unbuttered bread. 

They were doing very good business.

Good smells were coming from this booth.  

Ham sandwich, anyone?

Boulders to sit on and eat your favorites.

Here, I'm leaving the market and heading back toward Britomart. Nice place that market...

And what farmers' market would be complete without an outdoor fashion show next door? By the look of some of the models, I doubt that that they often indulge in many of the goodies I've been showing you so far in this post.  

Always something happening in Auckland. 


  1. I always enjoy your posts about the various markets and foods you enjoy in NZ!

    First, to answer your question about supermarkets here offering free fruit for kids: NO! but I shop mainly at Kroger and with their program you need a special card to scan off the price of that month's featured free fruit.

    Now back to Auckland's Farmers' Market: I can really understand why you enjoy it so much - it is after all a much nicer venue than Henderson's Thursday night markets in the parking ramp! What did you buy during your excursion there on this fine day? If I had been there I would have come away with a couple loaves of bread from the baker's booth, some French pastries from Philippe's, and my-o-my! You Had Me At BACON! I think the Bacon Brothers ought to go world-wide or at least come over to Lansing (imagine winky smiley face here). I got a huge kick out of their menu - I'll order the HAPPY, please! I really need that free hug. While I'm at it, I'll take home a couple HAM sandwiches to share with you and Jeanne.

    After feasting on all that glorious food no wonder everyone has to sit on the sidelines while waiting for their transport from Britomart. What a devious way to get a captive audience to watch those skinny models!

    1. One of the real draws at the market is that many of the booths offer free tastes of whatever they're selling. So we sampled bits of breads, falafel, many kinds of hummus, honeys, cheeses, etc. I even tried an exotic food. It was a fish roe sandwich spread, which turned out to be quite good.(not good enough to buy any though)
      Amiri loves falafel so he got a couple of servings of them...
      When you place your order, the guy sets his rotary falafel machine into action. It turns and drops little bite-sized pieces of dough into the deep frier located just below it and a minute or so later, you have your hot tasties in a sack. Fun to watch and fun to eat. We bought loaves of bread, a container of garlicy hummus, takoyaki and some of those ham sandwiches for Jeanne and I. Amiri likes to dip his falafel in the hummus. Oh, and Amiri had a tall glass of a mixed fruit juice concoction.
      The Bacon Brothers DO seem to love what they do. It is possibly the most noticed and busiest booth at the market. You can hear the sizzling meats and the clatter of the the spatula against the grill that's in the back of the booth from all over the market. So, people are led to it by sight, smell and sound from wherever they are.

  2. I wish you had smell-o-vision on your blog. I loved all the choices. I love octopus so I would definitely have that. Fred was impressed with the Bacon Brothers. I wonder if they had a bacon explosion there. I would expect that would be a popular booth. I have never seen anything so fancy as a fashion show at a farmer's market. That is something. It must be torture for those poor skinny girls. What a place to have to work if you are trying to stay looking like that. Thanks for sharing. McKenzie

    1. Oh man, a bacon explosion! No, I don't think they know about those here. I should educate them.
      I don't have a picture of one of Fred's masterpieces here. Maybe you could send me one and I could use it to bring the Bacon Brothers up to speed on the ultimate bacon experience. Not to mention all my readers. (all half a dozen of them)
      You know, between Fred's Bacon Explosion, his hot sauce, ribs, bbq sauce, steaks, garlic bread, and all the rest of his specialties, he would have a lot to teach anyone. Maybe you guys need to consider chucking your currents jobs and open a cooking school. You'd be world famous.

    2. Okay.... so you've got my taste buds all excited for a bacon explosion! I think next time I make bacon I'll make my own explosion - or maybe a super B.L.A.T. (bacon, lettuce, avocado & tomato) with a side hug - from my kitty.

      I know there are farmers markets here but not nearly of the caliber of Auckland's. Still, you've whetted my appetite to visit them!
