Wednesday 23 March 2016

A short look at the 'new' Summerland Primary.

Over the Christmas holiday (during summer vacation here), work started on pulling out the old playground and installing a new one. In addition to the playground, a stage and seating area was installed where grass had previously been. At long last, the fencing around the stage area has been removed and this morning, the kids swarmed all over it, imagining maybe the shows that will be presented there.  

Here is a short look at the 'new' Summerland Primary School.  

This new sign directs visitors to the various buildings around the campus. It sits in the middle (sort of) of the new putting green. The kids use plastic putters and ping pong balls on this particular green. 

The new playground has padding under this new turf. The old one had just wood chips and was somewhat rough on the skin of the kids who took falls.  

A before school (about 8:45 a.m.) view of the playground from another angle.

And yet another angle...

This is a view from the 2nd story balcony just outside Arram's classroom. It shows a white gravel walkway and benches set among the plants. 
Here we are down on one of the gravel pathways.

Again from Arram's classroom balcony. You see the shade/rain screen over this pod. In the background, you can see the in-progress stage area.

This is looking toward Amiri's classroom #5, showing the new artificial green. 

This is under the canopy over Amiri's pod. Those are sliding doors in the wall.

The kids seem to like the new area.I wonder what the first function held here will be? 

The stage backdrop (or whatever it's called) has wings that fold out when needed.

I'll get some additional close up photos when an event is held here.

 The view from the edge of the stage area.

Another view of the seating area.

The seating is very comfy.
This is the 'turf' that was installed about a year ago. It's where lots of sports are played. Arram enjoyes 'Playball' here in good weather. 
This is the 'Court' where lots of after-school basketball and soccer is played. It's also the main site for the yearly school gala...the fund raising carnival that I did a post on. 

A covered walkway that ends at the putting green with the sign I showed you in the first picture of this post. On the right in the foreground is a king sized sandbox. 

We just found out from Arram last night, 3-23, that his class has been practicing to do a dance on the new stage. It will be done, together with the 'big kids' from room 20, to the song Lean on Me by Bill Withers. It sounds like the stage will be getting plenty of use. Can't wait.              -djf


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The new playground areas and stage are so nicely done! It is evident that Summerland - if not the entire NZ school system - places a very high value on their kids since it was probably very costly to install all of it. I like the outdoor theater area and look forward to your future posts with pictures of the activities there.

    The garden and pathway areas are such a lovely touch as well. I wonder if the tecomanthe vine is still thriving on that one covered pathway from Nov 2014 to Arram's pod (now Amiri's pod?)

    1. Yes, the Tecomanthe speciosa is still doing well. There is some as you say vining up and all around the covered walk near room 5 but the main planting of it is around the main entrance into the school offices.

      I am including a wikipedia site address with info about this plant in case anyone wants to learn more about it.

  3. The school was beautiful before these enhancements. It is now stunning if you compare it with many schools in the U.S. I am sure the kids will all greatly enjoy the new space and the parents will love it during the programs. I cannot wait to see and hear about the next program. I realize that the kids likely cannot understand HOW fortunate they are to have such a space. Even adults have difficulty appreciating all the gifts we are given daily. I am truly thankful that the boys have this beautiful school to attend. I am also thankful for my wonderful family. Love, McKenzie

  4. Summerland is highly respected in this area. I'm quite sure it is the best primary school around.
    To the kids of course, this is just home, but yes, they are very fortunate.
