Thursday 3 March 2016

The Postie

The New Zealand Post Office, or Postie, as it's known, is quite different from our own.

Here are a few photos and information about the differences.  

This is the post box outside Summerland Primary School. It's where we mail many of our letters. The mail carriers (called Posties) do not pick up mail at your home. They only deliver it. 

The regular domestic mail stamps are 70 Kiwi cents.   Right now, that's about 46 U.S. cents.  I'm also showing an international (suitable to send a letter to the U.S.) stamp. Other international stamps may be more or less.
This is a picture of a cabinet, located next to one of our local playgrounds (Espalier) to which the mail truck delivers the mail. The Postie will then pick up the mail from this cabinet and deliver it to the houses in this area. 
Another shot of the same cabinet from the other side. I did a post once on how fond Kiwi's are of painting murals and such. Well, here's another good example of how they beautify their surroundings. 

Here is a Postie in action on a gloomy, drizzling day. Right now, mail is delivered to our area on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Other areas received their mail on other days.

One day, I walked over to the post box by the school to mail a letter. I knew that I was getting my letter to the box just before the 2:00 p.m. pick up time which is stated on the post box. I noticed when I got there that there was a courrier van parked next to the box and the driver was clearly waiting until 2 pm. I learned then that the Post Office here uses private couriers to do some of it's pick ups and deliveries, rather than having to maintain a larger organization to do all the work. Very different than in the U.S. 

This is the combination Kiwibank, (the two tellers on the left end) and the Postie. They also do passport photos here and you can pay some bills, like power and water.  -djf


  1. I love this postie post! I have my very own pictures of the cabinet and have been at the Kiwibank / Postie place too! I don't remember the mailbox at Summerland though or seeing a postie peddling through your neighborhood... I surely would have taken a picture or two! The postal system in NZ seems to be very efficient and suitable for the culture - but I wonder if anything like it could survive let alone exist here in the US. (I can't imagine mail cabinets not being vandalized here in the US..)

    Last weekend I was looking at new mailboxes at the local Home Depot. There were a few models that had keys. That would mean the postman would need a key to pick up mail - very problematic. But the keyed designs do let the postman deposit mail without unlocking the box which leaves the contents secure. That would work perfectly if mail was only delivered here like it is in NZ.

  2. And here, as at home, we get junk mail. Maybe not quite as much here.

  3. Couldn't resist another comment after seeing your side-post about Flat Stanley! I'll bet he will be the most traveled guy in that classroom project once he gets back home!

    Now another comment about the postie guys: I'll bet they are very fit - and if it's not a prerequisite of the job, they soon will be! I think I'd enjoy a job where you get your workout, get paid, get fresh air make friends - all rolled into one!

    1. I'd say that Flat Stanley will be very hard to beat.

      When it began, the Flat Stanley program had the journal that is filled out as he travels. It still does, and is, of course, but today there is also email, facebook, blogs, etc. Flat Stanley's family has been getting a constant stream of information right along. We live in an amazing time of communication.

  4. I just love the beautiful and vibrant colors of the mailboxes. Everything looks so happy there. I am sure it helps when it is cold and rainy which it is at times. I think I could get used to delivery just 3 days weekly. Is the Postie place profitable there or does it lose money like in the U.S.? McKenzie

    1. When we first got here, mail was delivered I think, Monday through Saturday. Then, they talked about doing away with Saturday delivery. Finally, they actually went to a 3 day delivery schedule, so yes, I'm sure it's all about the costs involved.
      We just had a strike by bus drivers. They are asking for $.25 more than is being offered. Their current wage is $20.40 per hour. They are being offered $.35 as a raise.
