Wednesday 9 March 2016

Karioitahi Beach

I love the name of this beach. Say it with me...Kar-i-o-i-ta-hi. It has a melodious kind of ring to it I think. In the picture just below, we are on our final descent and approach to the landing strip, ah, beach, and my expectations, as always, are making my heart beat a little faster. 

I remember as a kid arriving at Black River Harbor or Presque Isle or Lake of the Clouds with such anticipation that I felt that I would jump out of my skin if I didn't get free of the car and on to the beach or the trail! 

I am thankful that I still get excited as we arrive at our destinations here. I just checked my camera. " Good, lots of battery left and the chip will hold about 4,000 photos. I guess that'll be enough."  

This time, when we arrvied though, I was a little disappointed.

The parking lot is ok and it's right on the beach. Some beaches, like Bethell's are about 1/2 mile from the carpark. Since it was so convenient, I filled a number of bottles with sea water. I'll need a quantity of salt ready when I do my next batch of olives. 

Looking south

Looking north. What disappointed me a bit was that cars run up and down this beach. 
We had our first experience with traffic on the beach when we visited 'Birthday Beach,' shortly after our return to NZ in August.  It seems wrong somehow to pollute the beach with the noise and signs of vehicles running all around. Especially annoying are the dirt bikes that whine by us at about 100 decibles, spraying sand up from the back tyre.

Now, I know that when the tide comes in again, it'll wipe the beach clean, much like the Etch n Sketch that we played with as kids was wiped clean when turned upside down. Nevertheless, I don't like the tyre tracks all over the place. Makes my pictures for you look messy. 

There were some very nice bluffs though.

These are not quite as large as many we've seen at other beaches.  -djf


  1. There seems to an endless supply of beaches in New Zealand and most of what you've shared with us here are black sand and have magnificent bluffs!

    Even though Karioitahi Beach was not quite up to your standards it has the redeeming feature of parking close to the beach and is still quite beautiful in its own right!

    Thanks once again for taking us with you on your adventure!

    1. Well, according to the encyclopedia, there are 8,700 miles of coastline around NZ. That allows for a whole bunch of beaches.

  2. Dianne is right about the endless supply of lovely beaches in NZ. I will admit that this one may not be as gorgeous as the others. Still, at this time of year here in Minnesota, this is mighty lovely. In the early Spring here, there is mud, brown dead plants, dirty tuffs of snow, the pungent smell of earth worms and used Kleenex & other trash on the sides of the roads. To me, it is probably the most beautiful sight I can see. It means Spring is coming and green is on the way. Today, there was a goose sitting on the top of the roof on a house near us. It was honking at me when I left for my walk. An hour later, I came home and it was there again in the same spot. I suppose it may have been a different goose but it was just as beautiful to me as it honked at me as I walked by it. The lesson of this beach is perspective. It is true that it is not as lovely as some but it is sure darn gorgeous to me. Thank you for sharing all perspectives in your blog. McKenzie

    1. You're right about perspective. In many aspects of life, it is our perception of a thing, or an event, that can make all the difference. Good lesson.

      We have had a very nice summer here. For the first time though this morning, the house was just a little bit chilly, making me think of how soon the electric heaters will have to be used.
