Thursday 26 March 2015

Does anyone say "eye candy" anymore?

One of the problems with getting old, ah, older, is not being in touch with current jargon.  I remember all sorts of terms and phrases that were in common usage at various times throughout my life. Unfortunately, I'm not completely sure which might still be used and which might have been dumped on the scrap heap of "Oh you have got to be kidding; NO ONE says THAT anymore," sayings. 

One of the phrases I remember is, 'eye candy.'  

I don't suppose that eye candy means the same thing to everyone. The definition I found is, "visual images that are superficially attractive and entertaining but intellectually undemanding."

I think that these photos qualify.  I'm not going to talk about them in great length, but each of them, as I fill my eyes with them, probably caused my pupils to dilate just a bit. Maybe it's just me and senility is setting in, but I give them to you in case they trigger some sort of 'ahhh' within your visual pleasure center as well.

A dragon tree in a yard on Sturges Road. For somebody like me, from Michigan's north country, it's just so odd....

I love the combination of massive and wispy, of grey-blue and green, and of brown. The clouds and canopy do interesting things with the light at various times of day. This is about 3:30 p.m. I can imagine 'Ents' walking. 

This one just astounds me with the complexity of 'simple' life.

I don't think I'll ever get tired of looking at palm trees. This one is over our neighbor's house and trees.  The moon is on it's way down here. The sun behind me is turning the dark world to technicolor (a really old term) again.

I just wondered what would happen if I pointed and clicked.  This did. The sun and the tree were just the right sizes for it to work.

Allie's cap is just left of center, my white hat is right of center and Jeanne's blue hat, partially hidden by somebody's hair I think, is in the right corner. That's a fin whale but I'm not sure if that's a common or a bottle-nosed dolphin. Both are in these waters. 

Videos are wonderful, but sometimes I prefer to be able to stop time. *

* I didn't know when we took the whale-watching trip that photographers on board would prepare a set of shots for purchase. I think I only paid $12 or so for lots of very nice pictures.  I especially like the ones, like this one, that we are in.

A little glade in the 'jungle,'* with a brilliant overhead sun scorching the colors out of the light.  

* it's officially known as a 'temperate rain forest.'

Well, I hope these photos were attractive and entertaining, and not too demanding.   -djf


  1. Good pics. I may show them to a professional photographer I know. I think he'd like the palm

    The '66 Mustang. My room mate at the U had one in gray with a black interior. He tried to sell it
    to me, a broke college student. Didn't work out but has made the '66 my favorite Mustang.
    Saw one in Wisconsin last year with a price of $13,000. Too rich for my blood still.

  2. These pictures are just stunning. It is like a different world. I happened to think that they should do a remake of the Wizard of Oz but film it in New Zealand. With these forests, flowers and trees, it would make a wonderful land of Oz for modern times. Of course, the original is always the best but I would love to see a New Zealand version with this terrain. McKenzie

  3. What tasty eye candy, Doug! ;) and that includes your new cover picture! At first I thought, 'what? that's a picture he's already used!' but then realized it was a different American car probably like you said being driven by the same guy in the Thunderbird!

    Well, the only thing 'demanding' about your pictures is that I must keep my imagination in check: what if you put a little house at the notch of the dragon tree? And surely there are magical creatures living in that fern tree jungle! I so agree with you that while a video is nice, a single photo suspends time so we can take our time to savor that image longer- and imagine and dream...

    Now, I did pay attention to the whale-watching picture and realized that the 3 of you are the only ones wearing hats! Obviously you are the smart ones to protect your heads from the sun and from surprise bird drops...

    Thanks for such a lovely start to my day!

  4. I really loved this, I am always interested in new flora and fauna, new landscapes, new anything to do with nature!! Thanks!!!!!
