Tuesday 31 March 2015

Bounty-Full Aotearoa

If you've watched any of the remakes of Mutiny on the Bounty, or any of the many other similar Hollywood movies, you've seen the same story line portrayed repeatedly. Every movie of that genre that I recall offers similar scenes when the ship arrives at the island.... 
  • The great ship sails into the harbor of an exotic island. 
  • The people who live there see it and become very excited. 
  • They hop into every available craft and race to greet the newcomers. 
  • They take the captain of the ship to meet their chief and everyone enjoys a wonderful feast.  
Today's post is going to give you my version of those epics.

Bounty-Full Aotearoa

"Look," the attractive island girl in blue says, "There is a great canoe, as big as an island, in our harbor!"

Great excitement takes hold of all the people and they rush en mass to the shore.

They jump in to numerous small craft and paddle furiously out to greet the newcomers.  

The native people wear clothing of many bright colors and styles.

Their canoes are seaworthy and the paddlers show great skill and strength.  

The excitement of the moment causes some crafts to become disoriented.

Soon however, one lucky craft becomes the first to arrive along side the great ship.

After greetings aboard the ship, the captain and his mate are taken ashore.

They meet the Great Chief of all the island people, who looks fearsome in his splendor and weaponry, but who turns out to be friendly.

The young men of the island do a traditional dance to display their strength.

A lavish feast is presented to the hungry guests, each course more delicious than the last. 

The captain of the ship explains, that, while he is delighted to meet such fine people and be their friend, what he really wants is breadfruit 

The Great Chief is a bit disappointed that the captain is not just here on a social call, but in the true island spirit of generosity, supplies the captain with all the breadfruit seedlings he can haul. 

The island people, who have become fond of the visitors, sing to them one of their happiest songs.

All too soon, life for the visitors on the idyllic island come to an end.  The ship leaves paradise behind.   
The End

 (the part of the breadfruit seedling in this production has been played by Ficus carica, a fig tree.)


  1. I really enjoyed this picture story of the Bounty-Full Aotearoa with disoriented crafts, the fearsome and strong chief and the yummy (?) black stuff on the bread! - it was also so thoughtful of you to give credit to your fig tree for playing the part of of the breadfruit seedling!

    O, and that video was so utterly joyful! I just loved seeing the guy doing the Michael Jackson moves and everyone getting into the spirit!

  2. I loved the creative twist to bring it to the modern world. I was taken by the final skyline shot at the end. I doubt that Charles Laughton (Captain Blye) in the older version of the story would have ever imagined the Auckland, NZ view in 2015. I loved the views of the food as always. You should have listed your director credits!

  3. Hahhhaaaaaaaa! Loved this fantasy story. I knew that was the fig tree! Ha!
