Wednesday 17 February 2021

A sense of wonder

Maybe this is cheating. Instead of showing you new pictures of New Zealand, today I want to show you some that were taken back in 2018. 

I was going through my old photo files recently and labeling some that hadn't been, and these were just so impressive (to me at least) that I wanted to share them again. I hope you don't mind.  

What made these pictures special, was that the timing was just right. The tide was at a very low point and the birds, well you'll see how special the timing with the birds was.  

Taken from above the parking lot.  Notice the cave entrance. 

Our picnic spot, just below the parking lot, and in the pillow grass.  

The view to the south.  

Looking toward our right. (north) 

This is the lowest tide I've seen at Muriwai.  It allowed us get into the cave. 
I wish you could smell the sea, hear the surf, feel the wind blowing, and see the colors on the walls. This picture doesn't do it justice.  

This might look spooky to you but it's not. The water inside the cave is only about a foot deep at the entrance to the cave. Even less where I'm standing.  In another half hour, the tide will have dropped even more and  the cave's floor of smooth sand will be visible all the way out.   

Surfers like it here. 

Next, we're going to climb back up and look at the nesting gannets. 

We are high above the beach now on one of the viewing platforms.
Maybe now that you've seen these photos and the video, you understand why I wanted to revisit this particular day.  

I continue to be amazed that I've (we've) been able to see and be a part of such a place. To have been inside the cliffs.  I wish I could better express the wonder that I feel at times.   -djf


  1. Spectacular!! The blog and pix, video and cover photo of the Myrna bird!!!WOW!!

  2. I don't mind seeing your old-er pictures! I love Muriwai! and though I've been there only once, it was indelibly printed in my memory and this post actually expands those memories -almost as if I went in the caves too! Love the video of the gannets!

  3. What were the odds that that particular bird would return just as I started my video? Amazing.

  4. These pictures are timeless and I could see them multiple times. What wonderful memories that you have. The picture of the bird from your balcony is a once in a lifetime shot I think. Thank you for sharing your amazing new home there in New Zealand. McKenzie

  5. Sharing doubles the enjoyment and lets me feel closer to you all besides.
