Sunday 21 March 2021

Bus trip to Milford Beach

Jeanne and I are taking part today in our first group outing since moving into Waitakere Gardens. We'll be going by bus to Milford Beach.  

We've never been to this beach before. It lies just north of Takapuna Beach, which we did visit briefly one day a few years back after the boys had been enjoying their birthday treat at a virtual reality game venue. 

It is very like Takapuna Beach in it's makeup. It's on the Pacific (east) side of the island and the surf is relatively mild.  It's apparently shallow for quite a ways out, and is all white sand. There are no rocky outcrops along it's length. It's a perfect beach for older folks to stroll along.  

I was very surprised when I was told that the cost of this outing was $15 pp.  For that cost we were driven about 35 minutes in each direction, were served tea upon arrival at the beach and lunch shortly after noon.  What a deal! We learned later that all such outings are subsidized by the Social Club at Waitakere Gardens, of which we are members in good standing.  

As usual, I have a bunch of pictures for you. (And we got a surprise toward the end of our time on the beach.) 

Our day started out very cloudy. We got some rain the night before and the chances of rain during the outing were set by the weather folks I rely on at about 20%.  Fortunately, we were not in that 20% area, and after we arrived, it slowly cleared up. (mostly) 

Plenty of room for us under the trees. 

Tea time.  

I hurried up after tea to the shore and shot a quick picture of Rangitoto, but Jeanne and I opted to explore the harbor and marina area first and spend some time on the beach after that.  

We set off toward the marina.  

Okay, enough of that. Let's get to the beach!  

There were six of various kinds of container ships anchored out there. (You may have followed the America's Cup races that have been taking place here, and that might be why there are so many outside the harbor area.)
I was also hoping to get as clear a shot of that island in the distance as I could.  I looked it up as I worked on this post and found that it is Rakino Island, the peak of which is over 17 kilometers from this beach.  No wonder it is a bit indistinct.  Even those tiny islands that appear closer are really almost 15 kilometers out.  

Now, here comes our surprise.  
Jeanne saw it first. She said to me, "What is that tiny white thing coming out there? Is that a ship?  
I had seen it too, but it was at the time, just at the limit of our vision. I wasn't sure what it was. 
I got out the camera and started zooming.

I had some fun researching with maps.  I discovered that there are lines that ships must follow when entering Auckland harbor.  Since that is the case, I was able to measure, based on that line and its place in front of that little island, that the ship is now about 10 kilometers from me. (about 6 miles)  

As we watched, it continually came closer, although it was still several miles away from us, even at its closest crossing point.  It was clearly heading into the harbor.  What a kick to see it. 

I did a little research into what this might be and I think I know. It's very likely that it is... 

The tall ship Spirit of New Zealand is a steel-hulled, three-masted barquentine from Auckland, New Zealand. It was purpose-built by the Spirit of Adventure Trust in 1986 for youth development. It is 42.5 m in total length and carries a maximum of 40 trainees and 14 crew on overnight voyages. Wikipedia

We were very pleased to see this pass by. Think of what a thrill it must be for those kids on board who are coming into harbor with full sails flying. Sails that they had helped set. There are probably a bunch of very proud and excited parents and siblings at the dock with cameras ready. 

We left the beach a little earlier than had been planned because the east wind was picking up, the sun had once again disappeared and it was no longer as friendly to us old folks as it had been. The ride back was quick and uneventful.  

We were told that there is such an outing about once a month. They don't always go to beaches of course, and there isn't a set schedule of where we might go. I'm not sure how it's decided, but I'm not worried about it either. I think Jeanne and I will be watching for the info regarding any upcoming trips and I'm sure we'll take part in many of them over time.  -djf


  1. It looks like a great time and a beautiful beach. That ship was impressive also. Was that a Great Dane dog? Man, that was big. I'll look forward to hearing about future trips. The price was right for sure. McKenzie

  2. It was a nice beach, but I prefer those boasting more shells. This one was relatively free of them. Although I saw a lady collecting seaweed. (it is edible)
    I don't think the dog was a great dane. He was a big one though. Might have had some mastiff in him.
    Although I didn't get any interesting shells, I did pick up a little sand.
    Years ago Allie started a collection of beach sand. She shows them labeled in tiny bottles with corks in the tops. They look very fancy. I've collected some as well.
    I think my two favorites of all those I have collected are the sand from the base of a tiny waterfall on Mare's Leg Beach, and the sand taken from against the back wall of Bethell Cave. (on the south end of the beach of the same name.) (the address of the Mare's Leg Beach waterfall video.)

  3. What a lovely outing you two had! Can't beat the price for sure - and no stress in driving there either! And how exciting to see that gorgeous ship!

    You guys got it made...

  4. Just wanted to comment on the Green Dragon cover picture.. I recognized it right away - and Sam's house too! was this taken during my visit there with you in April 2019?

    1. Actually, I found that this particular shot was taken on Nov. 25, 2013. However, since it was undoubtedly taken from one of the established paths through Hobbiton, which all of us tourists must take, you have also walked by that very same spot. Maybe you have a very similar photo somewhere in your collection!

  5. How lovely!! Amazing!

  6. It was all of that, for sure.
