Tuesday 2 March 2021

A brief 'walkabout' through Avondale

(This post was actually photographed and written several months ago...just getting around to putting it up for you today.) 

And just a reminder before we get into the post. National Pi Day is coming up on March 14.  

The term walkabout has come to mean more than it did years ago when the original residents of Australia would go on a solo journey of up to 6 months in duration.  I'm using it today to describe my solo stroll through downtown Avondale. 

The trains were down this weekend again for more track maintenance so the replacement buses were running between train stations. I was curious about the route they followed and so decided to head for Avondale and see. 

Jeanne's knees unfortunately are not yet up to the sort of walk I planned and so I was on my own.

The folks in Avondale are clearly fond of decorating the walls of their buildings with art. I'm very glad that they are. Take a look.  

You've seen this big spider before I know, but it looks so nice against the blue...

I passed by this area that borders the horse racing track. It's a bicycle riding training course.  

For the longest time, it seemed, these apartments were under construction. As I passed today, I realized that they were now occupied.  

This one as you can see was painted by Paul X. Walsh, the artist who has done so much to beautify Auckland, and other cities as well.        -djf


  1. I really enjoy these wonderful mural works of art. The girls look so lifelike but my favorite is the Preserving History one of the little church in a jar. The hawk and pukeko together is also stunning but I don't think they would be sitting side-by-side in real life.
