Monday 15 March 2021

Sign, sign, everywhere a sign.

I noticed that they had repainted another six-carriage train as I completed my ride into Britomart.  I had come into the city just because. With Covid popping up every now and then, the opportunities to stroll through Auckland just haven't been there lately. Recently however, the threat level was reduced once again and I jumped at the chance to wander.

For some reason, some signs caught my eye and I decided then and there, to do a post about signs.  

Some of these were new to me and some are old friends.   

Shouldn't that say, "Ride?"

I wondered if the next sign in this series might be An Arm and a Leg. 

A coffee roasting place.  

...Home is the sailor, home from the sea,
   And the hunter home from the hill.      

-Requiem, by Robert Louis Stevenson.....My favorite poem.  (Other than The Ballad of Fred the Great.)  

Here is a sign that is an old friend. I found my first two P. G. Wodehouse first editions here.  
We found this bookstore to be suitably messy. It also smelled like a rare-book bookstore ought to. Having to climb a few flights of relatively narrow, winding stairs added to its appeal in my opinion. This place is a gem.  

Another old friend.  On this visit, I bought two cinnamon and sugar pancakes to take home.  

And a newer friend. It's right next door to No 1 Pancake.  I love those pancakes, but there is something nice about a take-away tray of eight pork dumplings ($6.) with soy and sriracha sauce, eaten with a plastic fork on a bench with crowds passing by.  

My lunch finished, I turned and headed to nearby Britomart for the return trip home. This sign greeted me as I entered the station and I saw that I had 11 minutes before the train left for Swanson. I would get off in Henderson, do a little grocery shopping at Countdown, and be back to our apartment.                                                       -djf

(Yes, I know the dates on this sign has long passed. Pretend it's a current date, okay?  It's called poetic license.)  


  1. Oh, my goodness. Pancakes and dumplings in the same block. I would be in heaven! Wayne did not call me "starch queen of Castile" for nothing as I love my carbs. I loved the bookstore. I know the exact smell that you are talking about for the bookstore. I love it also. McKenzie

  2. I wish I could buy you one of the pancakes, with the stuff on the inside. They have a ham, potato and cheese pancake too that is great.

  3. Loved the signs, certainly interesting, varied, and thanks, Doug!! Stuffed pancakes sound good!!

  4. Yes, they are. And that little shop has won awards. It's tiny. Four people about fill it. Each stands in his/her spot and does their job and hand the completed orders out through the window. There is always a line there.

  5. it's been bugging me that I haven't commented on this post after it's been up for 3 and a half weeks already. But all I can think of is the song by the same name as this post and the lyrics 'sign, sign, everywhere a sign, blocking out the scenery, blowing my mind. Do this don't do that can you read the sign?'

    at least the signs you feature in this post are friendlier, informative, racially equal and even life saving!

  6. Wow, I didn't know they were all that. Thanks.
